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The Ripple - September 2023


The summer Nature House coordinator team, Eden Luymes and Erica Ralston share their experiences on a summer full of learning, exploring, and generally having fun with the Thetis Island community. Their reflections are thought provoking and encourage you to take a step back and ponder some of the things that really matter in life - relationships - to the Earth and to each other.

Once again, thank you to the wonderful group of volunteers and guest speakers who generously shared their knowledge and skills, to the Porter family for sharing their amazing space with us, to Carolyn Askew for her continued support of the PAG, to the Challenger and Sarioglu families for the amazing seaquarium, and to the Community Fund, the Government of Canada, the Government of BC, and to all of our members and Friends of the Nature House!

Download The Ripple - Sept 2023:


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