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Project -Re- Generation Week 5: Annnnd Action!

Charlotte Fesnoux

Both projects are now well underway, thank you to the help and guidance of many community members. Pivoting from the original goals of establishing a few rain gardens, Team RG is now in full-swing film mode, creating a ‘how-to’ video on perc tests. This knowledge will provide us with an idea if a rain garden is the way to go to help alleviate winter flooding. After consulting with diverse thought leaders on the subject, Doug Fenton, Ian Ralston, and Geoff Porter, we are also putting together a site map illustrating the features that contribute towards flooding, and others that might help to manage it. Shout out to Aislinn Cottell for your digital prowess!

Team BH worked alongside busy bee himself, Ron Vandergaag, to make their bee house. While Team RG was out frolicking (working on their vid) in the Hollyberry meadow and on the spit, Team BH was sawing, cutting, gluing, sanding, nailing, and welding. Some changes had to be made to the original house, but that’s all a part of the experience. A big thank you to Ron for your amazing support with this!

Sandwiching this bustling week, we took some time to explore the beauty and learn about the significance of Moore Hill with Ann Eriksson, how to conduct citizen science in regards to owls with Rob Welsh, and finished up our dandelion salve (step 3!) with Carol Swann!


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