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Nature House Events Week 2: July 5 - 10


Lots going on at the Nature House in the first full week!

Tuesday, July 5:

9:00 - 11:00 Harvest Hours at the PAG (all ages)

Drop by the People’s Apothecary Garden anytime between 9:00 - 11:00 and meet new ThINC team member and summer Food Security Coordinator, Linnea Barrett. The garden is bursting with life and colour, so please take a wander and learn more about the myriad of medicinal plants at the PAG.

Wednesday, July 6:

9:00 - 11:00 am: Wednesday Wander at Lawrence Loop Trail (all ages)

This weekly series will focus on community science! We will identify and log the flora and fauna of Thetis on our walks. This week we will focus on birds, using eBird to track what we see. At Lawrence Loop over 34 species of birds have been spotted this June, including the mysterious Great Horned Owl (pictured left)! Binoculars and a few guide books will be provided, another handy resource is the Merlin app, great for helping you ID bird sounds, and if you want to do your own checklist while we walk, download eBird! Long pants and sleeves are recommended as the mosquitos are out in full force.

2:00 - 3:00 pm: Composting 101 at the PAG (youth / adults)

Healthy soil is the foundation of a robust garden. And an essential ingredient to healthy soil is compost. Come by the PAG for a 1 hour workshop on ins and outs of composting with Charlotte Fesnoux. Learn about composting benefits to people and the environment, the temperature evolution of composting and why it’s important, the creepy crawlies and microscopic critters who are responsible for its decomposition, how to compost - finding that ideal balance, and basic troubleshooting when your compost goes astray.

Thursday, July 7:

9:00 - 11:00 Harvest Hours at the PAG (all ages)

Drop by the People’s Apothecary Garden anytime between 9:00 - 11:00 and meet new ThINC team member and summer Food Security Coordinator, Linnea Barrett. The garden is bursting with life and colour, so please take a wander and learn more about the myriad of medicinal plants at the PAG.

2:00 - 4:00 pm: Seaquarium & Craft Drop-In at the Nature House (all ages)

During drop-in time all are welcome to learn about the vast array of animals in the tank! We currently have sea cucumbers, sculpins, crabs, and more for you to engage with! For craft this week we will create sea creatures using shells!

7:00 - 9:00 pm: Doc & Talk at the Nature House (adults)

Join fibre farmer Emily McIvor for a short film and a discussion of sustainability in textiles. A short film will introduce us to the Fibreshed movement and will be followed by an overview of ecological impacts of textile production today. Then we will move into a discussion of how we might start to make a change. The evening will be fun and informative with an emphasis on imagination and playful curiosity. And most importantly, meet the sheep!

Friday, July 8:

11:00 - 1:00 pm: Nature Mask Making with Mila Fesnoux at the Nature House (all ages)

Coming to our 10th Anniversary party? You may have noticed nature costumes are encouraged! We will make a variety of animal and plant masks on Friday with expert crafter Mila Fesnoux! All ages are welcome to join us for this activity, and if you aren’t joining us at the party, you are still welcome to come make a mask! If you have a cereal box handy please bring it for your mask, otherwise we will have some available.

2:00 - 4:00 pm: Junior Biologists - Birdiful at the Nature House (kids 8-12)

This week we will heighten our bird identification skills using sight and sound, then use these skills to play bird bingo! We will also learn about flight by observing wing shape and length closely, and draw or paint our favorite bird, and take a look at an active nest in the pollinator garden!

Saturday, July 9:

2:00 - 3:00 pm: Guided Walk through Fairyslipper Forest with Carrina Maslovat (all ages)

Celebrate 10 years of ThINC with a guided walk with Registered Professional Biologist Carrina Maslovat, who knows the flora and fauna of Fairyslipper in-depth, as she created the Management Plan for Fairyslipper Forest. While adult learners join this walk, a simultaneous treasure hunt through the forest will occur for kids!

5:00 - 9:00 pm: ThINC 10th Anniversary Party at Forbes Hall (all ages)

Join us at Forbes Hall for dinner and dancing! More information about the event can be found here:

Reserve your tickets by Wednesday, July 6th:

Sunday, July 10:

10:00 - 12:00 pm: Making with Invasives with Steph Cottell at the Nature House (all ages)

Getting Creative and Making with Invasives with Steph Cottell - Tired of himalayan blackberry taking over your property? Come learn a different way to utilize this pesky invasive - besides eating the berries! In this workshop Steph will demonstrate how and what to gather and remove thorns from himalayan blackberry. Participants will learn/practice how to harvest the bast fibre and make cordage from pre-gathered/de-thorned vines. This cordage can then be used on its own in the garden to tie up plants, to make bracelets and necklaces, water bottle carriers…or woven into baskets. The sky is the limit! Please bring gloves for this hands-on activity.

2:00 - 4:00 pm: Family Nature Afternoon at the Nature House (all ages)

Come check out the Seaquarium with your family, there are so many creatures to learn about! We will also explore and learn about the Garry Oak meadow and create art using the shadows we encounter in the forest and nearby!


Events that take place at the Nature House (The Portal, 254 North Cove Road) - Please park at Fairyslipper Forest parking area or at the Heneage House, the first red building you'll meet on the driveway and walk down to the Nature House, there will be lots of signage!

We also have lovely sheep neighbours around The Portal. Please do not feed them anything and do not touch the electric fence, the shock is not a fun zap, but a painful shock! Stay safe!

If you have any questions, please contact Connelly at


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