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April 10th: National Wildlife Week


In 1947, the Canadian Government declared the week of April 10th as National Wildlife Week to encourage Canadians to learn more about wildlife and the places they call home. The week was originally recognized on the birthday, April 10th, of Canadian conservationist Jack Miner who determined the migratory paths of North American bird species and helped save the Canada Goose from the brink of extinction.

Thetis Island is a part of the Coastal Douglas-fir Biogeoclimatic Zone (CDF) which is one of British Columbia’s smallest and most biodiverse zones, but also one that is most at risk. Several species that call Thetis Island ‘home’ are considered at risk of disappearing unless we take action to help protect, restore, and preserve their habitats.

Below is a list of plant and animal species currently ‘at risk’ according to Canada’s Species at Risk Act.

Take some time to learn about the land you live on and your fellow inhabitants.

More about Species at Risk


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