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During the summer of 2021, three youth employees were hired through the Canada Summer Jobs program to assist with the running of the Nature House and to collaborate on a community sustainability project. The group, collectively known as ThINCpod 2.0, planned and delivered several Nature House experiences and prepared a report and educational materials for an on-island community composting initiative: ROOT: Re-earthing Organics on Thetis.


The Nature House activities drew young and older members of the Thetis Island community and took place across the island: from the peak of Moore Hill, through the Lawrence Valley, at the People's Apothecary Garden, and on many a beach along the island's coast. Experts and guest speakers - both from Thetis Island and off-island shared their knowledge and expertise on a diversity of topics, including natural dyes, sea life, and the local First Nations' history of , and relationship to, Thetis.


To learn more about the summer program, see fall 2021 Quarterly article, written by ThINCpod member, Connor McRae Pharo. 

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Summer 2021: Re-earthing Organics on Thetis

Meet ThINCPod 2.0


Connor McRae Pharo
Nature Educator

We tried our best to get rid of him, but he’s back for another summer! Connor is a fourth year Geographic studies student from the University of Victoria. He has experience working in an outreach capacity with conservation, and was a wonderful addition to the team last year. Connor has a passion for our shared environment, the spaces we occupy, and our emotional associations with nature. As well, he believes that a healthy environment, managed sustainably, can bring many gifts. He is looking forward to working on the island, and interacting with the community again!


Jacob Frankel
Nature Educator

Jacob grew up on Thetis Island, spending the majority of his time exploring the forests, beaches and waters surrounding the island. This experience created a passion for environmental conservation and inspired him to pursue a career in resource management. He has engaged in a variety of positions in the environmental and sustainability field, including roles researching and analyzing public lands, deforestation and marine protection. Jacob graduated in the fall of 2020 from the University of Victoria with a BA in Physical Geography. He is excited to put his past experience to use with ThINC this summer, especially in contribution to the community sustainability program and to help community members engage with their environment.

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Bree Sadler

Breanna is deeply rooted in the expansive backyard of B.C. Spending a lot of time wandering through the giant cedars of the Fraser Valley and braving the cold waters of lakes and rivers, she feels most at home on this coastline. After taking a year off school to pursue her passions outside of an academic environment, she’s always up for a challenge. After doing some fieldwork with BC Parks last summer and spending the winter skiing and volunteering with Friendly Composting in Kamloops, she found motivation in the power of collective action and starting small. Breanna will be graduating soon from UVic with a BA in Geography & Environmental Studies. Breanna believes that the better-connected people are to their environment the kinder they are to each other. In the spirit of collaboration, she is excited to begin a community composting initiative on Thetis Island.

Learn More About Our Project

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