Community Food Security
What is 'food security' and why is it important?
Food security is defined as having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable and nutritious food. Many factors come into play in determining whether a community is truly food secure. Is the food provided by these sources environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable? Does this security end if a social or environmental disaster occurs? Does the food available have nutritious value? In this sense, food security also applies to the knowledge of a community concerning where and how they are procuring their food, and how capable that system is of weathering change.
While not remote, Thetis Island is more removed from basic amenities than most communities. In the event of natural or economic disasters, Thetis has the potential to be isolated from mainstream food sources. However, the island is also fortunate in its potential for local food production. Beyond this, it is important for all communities to be aware of their reliable food sources. Not only does awareness of food security increase personal confidence, it also helps foster community ties and local economic resilience. Last but not least, locally sourced food has significantly less impact on the environment, and can be more easily and ethically maintained than global food chains.
In addition to providing educational talks and workshops around food security and sustainable food systems, ThINC addresses numerous parts of the food supply chain - from production and distribution to consumption and “waste” through its projects.